intermittent / ìntɚmítnt
The Anglo–Spanish War was an intermittent conflict between the kingdoms of Spain and England, which was never formally declared.
intermittent abdominal pain 間欠的な腹痛
intermittent action 間欠作用
intermittent bleeding 間欠性出血
intermittent cycle 間欠周期
intermittent dosing 間欠投与
intermittent pain 間欠的[断続的]な痛み
intermittent pulse 不整脈
intermittent rain 降ったり止んだりの雨
intermittent running 断続運転
intermittent spring 間欠泉
intermittent wiper 間欠ワイパー(自動車)
語源 ラテン語 中断する intermittere (inter- + mittere「送る」)