harsh 厳しい・不快な

harsh / háːʃ


A round egg can be made square according to how you cut it; words would be harsh according to how you speak them.


in a harsh way 荒いやり方で
(be) harsh to the touch 手触りが悪い
say harsh things きつい事を言う
harsh attitude 厳しい態度
harsh braking 急ブレーキ
harsh color どぎつい色
harsh conditions 厳しい状況
harsh criticism 酷評
harsh driving 乱暴な運転
harsh environment 過酷な環境
harsh light 強烈な光
harsh noise 耳障りな音
harsh punishment 厳罰
harsh reality 厳しい現実
harsh weather 厳しい天候
harsh words 厳しい言葉

語源 スカンジナビア語(デンマーク・ノルウェーなど) 嫌な匂いのする・不快な harsk