term / tɚ́ːm
terms (複数形で)
In the long term, it won’t make much difference which you choose.
at the end of (the) term 学期末に
during (the) term 学期中に
during one’s term of office 在任期間中、任期中
for a term of ~の期間中
from a mid- and long-term perspective [standpoint, viewpoint] 中長期的な視野から
in the long [short] term 長[短]期的には
in plain terms 平易な言葉で
in no uncertain terms 単刀直入に、ずけずけと
in terms 明確に
in terms of ~の言葉で、~に関して、~の見地から
on bad [good] terms with ~と仲の悪い[良い]間柄で
on deferred [easy] terms 月賦で
bring A to terms Aを同意させる
come to [make] terms with ~と折り合う
extend a term 期限を延長する
set terms 条件をつける[定める]
speak in high terms of ~を褒めちぎる
absolute term 絶対名辞
buzz term 流行語
current term 当期
technical term 専門用語
Terms cash 現金払い
terms of a contract 契約条件
term examinations 学期末試験(米)
Michaelmas term 秋学期・一学期(10月~クリスマスごろ)
Lent [Hilary] term 春学期・二学期(1月~復活祭ごろ)
Easter [Trinity] term 夏学期・三学期(4月中頃~6月末)
語源 ラテン語 限界、期限 terminus