ritual 儀式・儀式の

ritual / ríʧuəl


“Dohyo-iri” is the ritual of sumo that is held before matches begin.

perform a ritual 儀式を行う
ritual ablution 清めの儀式
ritual article [equipment] 儀式用具、礼拝用具、仏具、神具
ritual culture 儀礼文化
ritual for rain 雨乞いの儀式
ritual incantation 儀式で唱えられる言葉、祝詞
ritual of faith 宗教儀式
ritual of the dead 葬式
ancestral ritual 祖霊祭祀
annual ritual 毎年恒例の儀式
bedtime ritual 就寝時の習慣
court ritual 宮廷儀礼

語源 ラテン語 儀式 ritus