additional / ədíʃ(ə)nəl
DOG, n. A kind of additional or subsidiary Deity designed to catch the overflow and surplus of the world’s worship.
※アメリカの作家、ジャーナリスト アンブローズ・ビアス “The Devil’s Dictionary / 悪魔の辞典” より
Dog のスペルを逆にすると God になる。下部にこの項目の全文を掲載する。
additional aid 追加援助
additional allowance 加俸
additional break time 休憩時間の延長
additional budget 追加予算
additional capability [function] 追加機能
additional casualties 新たな死傷者
additional charge [fee] 追加料金
additional clause 付則、附則
additional collection 追徴
additional commission 追加[割増]手数料
additional component 追加成分
additional cost 追加費用、追加[割増]料金
additional effect 追加効果、付加的な効果
additional fertilization 追肥
additional financing 追加融資
additional income 副収入
additional information 追加情報
additional measures 追加措置
additional member system 小選挙区比例代表併用制
additional memory 増設メモリ
additional module 追加モジュール
additional notes 補注
additional order 追加注文
additional pension 加給年金
additional personnel 追加人員、補助人員
additional premium 割増保険料
additional printing 増刷
additional rate 割増運賃
additional resolution 付帯決議
additional tax 附帯税、加算税
additional value 加算値
語源 addition + -al
The Devil’s Dictionary – DOG
DOG, n. A kind of additional or subsidiary Deity designed to catch the overflow and surplus of the world’s worship. This Divine Being in some of his smaller and silkier incarnations takes, in the affection of Woman, the place to which there is no human male aspirant. The Dog is a survival — an anachronism. He toils not, neither does he spin, yet Solomon in all his glory never lay upon a door-mat all day long, sun-soaked and fly-fed and fat, while his master worked for the means wherewith to purchase the idle wag of the Solomonic tail, seasoned with a look of tolerant recognition.