election 選挙

election / ilékʃən, əlékʃən


People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.

※プロイセンの首相、”鉄血宰相” オットー・フォン・ビスマルクの言葉
日本人には “狩り” よりも、”釣り” と言った方がニュアンスが伝わるだろうか。

carry [win] an election 当選する
hold [conduct] an election 選挙を行う
stand for election 立候補する(英)
election address 選挙演説
election campaign 選挙運動
election day 投票日
Election Day 大統領選挙日(米)
election district 選挙区
election expenses 選挙費用
election issues 選挙の争点
election manifesto [promise] 選挙公約
election of [for] ~を選ぶ選挙
election prediction 選挙予想
by-election 補欠選挙(英)
general election 総選挙
local election 地方選挙
midterm election 中間選挙
national election 国政選挙
re-election 再選
special election 補欠選挙(米)
the Upper House Election, the House of Councilors Election 参議院選挙
the Lower House Election, the House of Representatives Election 衆議院選挙
